Design Quarterly Magazine cover artworks

A series of collaborations between Design Quarterly magazine and some of Australia’s most respected interior design brands.

Design Quarterly (now Indesign magazine) was one of APAC’s leading design and interiors publications. Each cover was a collaborative piece, based on a conceptual brief to produce a unique, original artwork.

For issue #61, Stylecraft furniture engaged Indesign to create a cover that connects the ‘clickable’ customisable nature of Stylecraft furniture’s latest ‘RAFT’ product offering, to the theme of the issue #60 ‘authenticity’.

The result was a suspended Rubik’s cube - representing the idea of ‘purity’ and ‘honesty’. You cannot cheat a Rubik’s cube, it is genuine and truthful no matter which way you twist it.

Art Direction
Design Direction

Issue #61 Photographer: Tim Robinson
Editor: Sophia Watson


Flexible design in it’s purest form.


For issue #58, DQ collaborated with Interface for their 'Beautiful thinking' campaign. The result was a striking collage of photography and illustration through depth. It sought to convey the Interface proposition of a sense of freedom through creativity, and the benefits of inviting nature into the workplace.

Beautiful thinking

DQ Beautiful Thinking campaign
DQ Beautiful Thinking cover artwork
DQ Beautiful Thinking cover artwork

Port Adelaide Football Club digital experience